FreeFallRC Podcast Crew


Started in December 2015, Kevin Teschner, Steve Yun and Jeff Pera started a new venture into podcasting.  Taking their love for the RC flight hobby, they created this show to share their experiences in hobby.   Over the Years, Steve and Kevin have continued to share their hobby to the community bring on new hobbies to the show.

Starting out with RC airplanes, interest of FliteTest, Jeff, Steve and Kevin met on the FT Forums.  During FliteFest 2015, and decided to start a show.

Over the past 100+ episodes, we continued to create content that hopefully amuses and entertains the community of RC enthusiasts.  It a passion for the hobby and the great people we get the honor of meeting, that makes this the all possible.

Andy Ross joining as the 3rd host. Iaen Joel started with helping us with the Facebook page, soon joining us as the 4th host.

Special Thanks to Chris Reibert and Mike D “The Planker” DiGennaro for everything you do for us.

Also can’t forget to give huge Thanks to Fred Provost, Nick Simpson and George Baker spending time with us as host, as well as David Hill helping us with our section on the FliteTest Forums.


Steve Yun

Bio: Started RC as a kid with RC cars and balsa airplanes for a couple years. Not much luck with flight back then, started again in 2014 with FliteTest and grew into the RC 3D helicopters. Primarily flies Helicopters now since 2016 and enjoys the difficulty of 3D heli flight.

Fleet: Goblin Raw : Goblin Raw Nitro : Goblin Raw Gasser (GasPoweredHelicopter) : Goblin Kraken 580 7s : Goblin Kraken 580Nitro : Goblin Black Thunder 700 : Goblin Black Nitro Sport 700: Goblin Fireball Havok

Sponsors: Factory Pilot SAB Goblin Helicopters : BK Servos : Switch RotorBlades : ManiaX Batteries : EGODRIFT Motors : YGE ESC

Social Media: Facebook / Instagram / YouTube

Kevin Teschner

Bio: From the days of the cox free flight helicopter with his dad and brother, to mall kiosk rc helicopter, to the appreciation of FliteTest and flying 3D helicopters. Thrashmetal to Old Man Metal to Old Man 3D, Kevin enjoys the hobby and the excitement of Events where he can meet new listeners and reconnect with old friends!

Fleet: Mikado Logo 690 : Mikado GLogo : Oxy 5 : Extra 300 3D 1.3m : Parkzone Sukhoi : Twisted Hobbies Turbo Crack Beaver : Multitude of FliteTest planes over the years

Sponsors: Team FFRC : Team RCHH

Social Media: Facebook

Andy Ross

Bio: Agricultural production engineer. Hobbies include RC flight (helis and planes), podcasting, and complaining.

Fleet: OXY4 Max : OXY5 : Goblin RAW : XLPower Specter V2 Goblin RAW gasser : Protos Max V2 : Whiplash Gasser : ExtremeFlight Turbo Bushmaster 84” : 3DHS Edge 540 74” : Flex Innovation QQ 300

Sponsers: Team Only Fine Helis

Social Media: Facebook


Iaen Joel

Bio: Experienced the hobby from 1988 to 1995 when his father was in the hobby. In late 2012, shortly after his father returned to hobby started Iaen on the simulator and some blade micros. After a few years flying 450 size Helis, in 2016 he moved up to bigger and better things. Things such as 600+ sized heli’s and posting memes on FFRC Facebook page and the hangout. He aided the planker with voices for few of his incredibly hilarious segments, voices including ( spongebob, and master yoda). Even with experiencing the hobby in his early childhood, he’s super enthusiastic about the hobby and happy to help out his fellow hobbyist by sharing his knowledge of the hobby being learned day by day to help others. Also shares his tips, tricks and must haves with his new segment “ wrenching with Iaen” while the guys roast him.

Fleet: Hirobo shuttle zx, goblin thunder sport 700, goblin 630 v1, goblin black nitro 700, goblin 420 kse, trex 470Lp, gaui NX4, trex 600x Dominator, paper airplane

Sponsors: PayPal

Social Media: Facebook


Honorary Crew and Previous Host


Mike ‘The Planker’

Bio: Some say he has the mind of a child, some say he bumped his head too many times while training to be a grand master, all we know is he’s one funny dude!

Fleet: Some Goblins, Some XLPowers and whole lotta planks!

Sponsors: blue pills and soju

Social Media: Facebook / Youtube


George Baker

Bio: Yeah

Fleet: Everything Horizon, FMS, MotionRC, Scale Heli, Submarine, Boats, Tanks and more that we can disclose due to a NDA.

Sponsors: Yeah

Social Media: Facebook


David Hill

Bio: David started the hobby as a kid with control line 0.049” nitro, spent hours going through the tower hobbies catalog, dreaming of all the possibilities. David grew up and he started building scratch built foam airplanes in 2011, 2015 came around and so did the introduction of FliteTest and started using foam board. Best known for his FA-18E which he designed in a 28” and 40” versions. David grew up in the pacific northwest but now lives in central mass and currently works for a well know bio lab company. He’s a scientist!

Fleet: RC Powers F-22, RC Powers F-18, FT Cruiser, FT Simple Scout, FT Spitfire, FT Viggen and FT Verawing.

Social Media: Facebook / YT


Fred Provost

Bio: Fred's dad was a pilot and he passed that love of aviation to him. Grew up with a gutted Cessna 170 in the backyard, spent many hours "flying" in and summers vacation to EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI. Never having the funds and demand in commitment to do full-scale, RC aviation was an interest since early childhood, dabbled in highschool but really got involved in late 2000's. Behind the scenes with Flite Test before FT officially debuted and "officially" doing online support just after the first FliteFest 2015. Fan to host of FFRC podcast in 2017. Flown helis, to planes and drones, primarily keeping with the planes and multi rotors, loving the FPV experience of flight from the cockpit. Maybe a FPV helicopter in the future.

Fleet: Too many things to list, planes trains and automobile...


Chris Reibert

Bio: Chris has been flying RC for the past 32 years, 3rd generation of RC enthusiast with his grandfather giving him his first nitro RC plane at an early age of 6yrs old so flying is in his blood, not just as a hobby but as a lifelong passion! Got into RC helis in early 90s, continuing his passion for the hobby, started writing reviews for RC Heli Pilot and FLY RC magazines. Working on tons of build reviews/guides and videos for his RC pages. He created a home on the internet with to be able to share his passion for the hobby and also to help as many people he can. More recently, starting an Aerial Photography business. He's also the CD for the Northeast Model Helicopter Jamboree in Macedon, NY and creates one of the go to premiere events in the northeast.

A true ambassador of the Hobby!

Sponsors: Synergy Helis : Rail Blades : Scorpion Power Systems : Pulse Batteries : Castle Creations : MKS Servos : Mikado VBar Control Radios

Fleet: Synergy 516 : Synergy E5 : Synergy E5 MD500 Scale heli : Synergy E5SS (super stretch 700 6s)

Social Media: Website 3dandScaleHeli : Facebook : Instagram : Youtube : CR aerial photography website : CR aerial photography instagram : CR aerial photography FB page


Jeff Pera

One of the Founders! Was one of the original 3 that started this podcast. Not much into RC these days and has been spending most of his free time with his gaming and twitch feeds. Still has his fleet and Steve and Kevin one day hope to see him out at the flying field…